EgoÕs Day Glow
PDF document of Performance
Commentary of information and works found on other Artist.
Emily Mast
Google search terms
emily mast, emily mast artist, emily mast french artist, emily mast facebook, emily mast myspace
Time spent researching
17 minutes
Time spent on her site
4 minutes
I didnÕt like the font of her website but thatÕs ok. Shes had a lot of work and I donÕt feel like going through all of it cause im a little lazy. Shes about 31, or 32 and I think sheÕs French. French girls are hot! She lived or lives in mexico city during some periods of the year. Francis alys, Santiago serria - I love u niggas. Lets hang out soon.
She makes smart art ephemeral like art. The kind thatÕs usually called interdisciplinary or mixed media. Its somewhat soft, but not too emotional soft. I donÕt know what I have against the emotional and soft lately, the delicate. I canÕt even listen to most indie music anymore. It gets me mad. It pisses me that generations are following this. IÕm all about young money thugs coming in the world, rapping their lungs out to claim there fame. But anyways I live in both worlds, soft and hard, and I can appreciate both and what sticks out in my head is the paper shredder project (although I skipped many projects) Was good she got rid of her diaryÕs. Good for here. I like. Reminds me of the British performance artist that shredded all his life belongings in gallery. Such drastic measure kind of touches and embarrasses me at same time – too desperate. But EmilyÕs was the right scale, fits nice like a good pair of jeans around a nice ass.
Richard Hager
Google search terms
Richard Hager, Richard hager artist, Richard hager sculpture
Time spent researching
10 minutes
Website (maybe)
Time spent on his site
2 minutes
Hmmmm, I think I have the wrong person. He seems out of place, a little too old and dorky looking for this scene. I hope its not like an older friend of Emily or something. OH fuck it. I be writing this the way I want to write it. I didnÕt like bronze sculptures very much, they look to much like art. IÕm also not the biggest fan of objects. I once said that the only beautiful image I like are girls, everything else can be shit to me and perhaps prefer it to be. I tried finding the potential real Richard hager but could not find. If thatÕs his sculpture in the middle of his room, then perhaps, he does not have a website as most sculptures are not that web involved. Really. I notice this phenomenon. Sculptures without websites. 250 bucks I make u a clean website dude?
Michael G. Bauer
Google search terms
Michael G. Bauer
Time spent researching
5 minutes
Time spent on his site
2 minutes
Michael G. Bauer is the only artist i know and who invited me to collaborate with him on this show. I know not to google Michael Bauer without the g, cause I get some German painter I have come across in the past, and once thought, huh, I didnÕt know Michael was into painting, I always thought he did more interesting things. Well he does pursuit more interesting. Gotta admire the guy for being a collaborating hustler, organizing, bringing together, and to use his favorite word ÔactivatingÕ shit. He has a softness to his practice like some of the other artist in this show, some ephemeral quality but in him I see the potential for things to pop, for concrete breakthroughs, definitive. He may too understand and maybe he is a better man for being so. I think art today needs to have a little facism in it. It need to say black and white. Its turned to gray, focused to much on Ōalmost getting thereĶ Ōim working towardsĶ. Maybe I demand too much of people and ask them to live with the sense urgency I live with. Michael and I have similar methodologies and pursuits but somewhere our approaches and results deviate. He is a lover and IÕm a hater. He seeks social change and cohesion. I want tension, antagonism, a terrorists at heart. We are both functional, operational. He has principles. A route to take. IÕm not really sure I have any to follow or any idea how I want the world to be. He invest into things. I take out of things. He creates. I reduce. Both of us donÕt care for irony much. I think irony is the disease of our culture. If we were political parties he would be socialism and I would be fascism. Both feel natural for each of us.
Alison OÕDaniel
Google search terms
Alison oÕdaniel, Alison oÕdaniel myspace facebook, Alison o'daniel goldsmith
Time spent researching
23 minutes
Time spent on his site
9 minutes
When I visit website and see picture I think: cute. After going through her site I revisit first page and think sexy. Shes about my age 27,28. Her website is clean. As my patience online is limited really, I donÕt pay too much attention to videos, I wonder who ever has time to pay attention to my videos. (Alison check out my video Ōme and my girlfriendĶ in my website, just google me. Fernando Sanchez. I also make good curry and rock the dancefloor in case needed) I like her photos. I like her work. I like her use of people. I like the summer of love installation. Good looking young people in their underwear watching woody allen. Fuck yea. Its funny thinking about it just know. She wants to stage voyeurism, I want to stage antagonism and tension, those moments u find yourself in the middle of a fight. I was going to dismiss her from being part of the Miranda july bandwagon but I guess she appreciates her work – its in her links. Personally I donÕt really liker mirandaÕs work. Its too precious for me. Life is not precious to me. Its urgent, frantic and honest.
Christian Cummings and Michael Decker
Google search terms
Christian cummings, Christian cummings artist, Michael Decker and Christian cummings, Michael Decker artist
Time spent researching
17 minutes
None (call me up dude, $250 and yo shit be stunting the web)
Time spent on his site
First thing I found of the potential chris cummings was a myspace and youtube page of a musician/producer. Hmm maybe this is him. But music is not so good. Then I find page with him in show with my friend Euan McDonald and strange powers and oijia board. Not so much into supernatural garbage but I do like the stupid drawings that resulted from them. I look up his partner in crime Michael Decker. I cant find and then I find Chinatown local high energy contructs and see chrisÕs pizza and penis sculpture and I really like the pizza. Another sculpture without website. Haha. I knew it. I look at MichaelÕs work but im not much of an artist or even a craftsman so I have no judgment of work. ItÕs one of those things that look like art but donÕt give me anything. Maybe some hedge fun manager in new Hampshire will buy and put in home. I really donÕt understand how the artworld works. Maybe I donÕt belong in this gameÉ..hmmm fuck that! Tupac just came on my playlist. My ambition is a ridah.
Robert Welsher
Google search terms
Robert Welsher,
Time spent researching
15 minutes
Time spent on his site
7 minutes
Bam this nigga got a website. Oh shit muthafucker went to ucsb, studied in college of creative studies. I was there from 01-03, I took some classes in college of creative studies, in literature. The art kids always scarred me. They looked so white and strange. Like nutty and out of a movie. A sculpture with a website, of course he would be 26 or younger. This our muthafuking generation. 80Õs taken over. I like his circular geometry shopping cart thing. . Huh, maybe I steal and remake. Damn memories of Goleta and UCSB, where I first learned how to hate. I didnÕt know what to do with it back then – all I knew is that it motivated me to be something greater than the people around me. My neighbors and I (and my girlfriend who was living with me) would have sex competitions. We would hear them next door. Then we would get hot and fuck. Then they would fuck again and they had a loud squaky bed. Then we would wake up in the early morning fuck again. Ahh being 21 in some hormonal bubble.
David Horvitz
Google search terms
David Horvitz
Time spent researching
21 minutes
Time spent on his site
12 minutes
Oh this my friends mylinhÕs friend she told me about him. Man im tired of this Miranda july knockoffs, garden state pussy syndrome. Common, Fuck the sky. I donÕt want ur pictures. Going on walks, free cookies, going on sunsets, where does this nigga come from how does he make time. He must have parents that he can rely at the end of the day in case this art game doesnÕt work out at the end, somewhere between he age of 31 and 32. I donÕt have time for fucking sunsets. Fuck that. I live on some anxious twitch, on a sense of urgency known to gangsta rappers. I promised my parents I buy them a home I got no fucking time for sunsets, I have no luv for that kind of art. White privileged bullshit. My shit be young money razor fist vulture, vampire thugging. David, IÕll give u a project that will challenge both of us. Lets fight. Me and you. Fist to fist. You can call it ŌI will fightĶ. 5Then we can go on that walk you want to go on afterwards. IÕll even hold your fucking hand. But we have to box with no gloves. I donÕt care u beat my ass, come to this dog brain world of mine, challenge yourself. Ill send my pubs with rose pedals if u like that.
Email me to schedule this fight:
Hana van der kolk
Google search terms
Hana van der kolk, hana van der kolk dancer, Hana van der Kolk youtube
Time spent researching
13 minutes
Time spent on his site
I first I thought she was in the wac program at ucla, cause I found a myspace page with her name attached to it. Those wac girls have delicious bodies. But I think she is a dancer for sure. Came across several sitings of her name in dance choreographic websites. Came across one page belonging to UC Riverside and the first thing I read is: ŌBreaking the Archive: Hip Hop as Resistant Choreography Ō Oh my better be good cause it sounds boring. ŌHip hop as bonereographyĶ Is much more appealing I donÕt know why people try to be so smart in the world. Academia is such a turn off now a days. Maybe it just didnÕt work out for me, the being smart thing.
Ahh she took part of Alan Kaprows 18 happening thing at the moca. Im really curious to see her choregraphs, since there are no videos I can of her work on youtube.
Zachary Leener
Google search terms
Zachary leener, Zackary leener artist, Zackary leener art, zack leener, zach leener, zach leener drawings
Time spent researching
13 minutes
Time spent on his site
Another artist without a site. Hmm. So I find Zach being praised for his art direction in a review of the musicianÕs album, Johnny Walker. This must be my guy doing some sidework to make some dough. Searching and goolging and I cant find much but him mentioned for work he had in Co-Lab, some cool alternative art fair established by artist Jon stahn and Marie kirkegaard, sporting the last name of the god father of existentialist philosopher Soren. I come across one drawing that is hard to see, so I dismiss and continue my search but to no avail. Man there are too many artist in the world, just as there are too many cops, too many lawyers, too many moms and too many everything. It gets me tired.
Google Me
Site Specific project By Fernando Sanchez (also known as Song Kwai Li)
Commentary on the artists participating in the show Egosdayglow based from findings off the internet using the search engine, google.
You can find more about Fernando Sanchez by googling him and Song Kwai Li
Fernando Sanchez
Michael Parker
Google search terms
Michael parker, Michael parker artist, Michael parker gallery
Time spent researching
13 minutes
Time spent on his site
I wonder why IÕm getting so many musicians searching for these group of artist. So we have another pedagogical interdisciplinary-er. The public parking lot project looks insanely complicated, and I cant or donÕt want to keep up reading it, but I do like war like diagram. We should have terrorists art. It would be interesting to see what that would be sans the bombs and gunsmoke. Came across some photographs potentially of his artnet that didnÕt interests me much. Soo many Michaels in this show.
Kiersten Puusemp
Google search terms
Kiersten Puusemp
Time spent researching
14 minutes
Time spent on his site
3 minutes
Finally, I found someoneÕs facebook. I know most of you have one so donÕt try to be cool like that. I think she is married and happy and went to usc – not sure if any of those relate to each other in any way. Its funny how most artist look the same in party pics, maybe in general people do the same silly faces and poses. So jovial, these art people, gleaming some juvenile innocence. I never got that or will perhaps. SheÕs a New Yorker planted in southern cali who has with Circus gallery and that whole circle of peeps. There should be a study of art circles and there growth and habits. ThereÕve been times I go to shows and see the work and think, some people just have too many friends. Some support crapy art and say its good and then others say have a show in my gallery or IÕll talk to so and so and put a good word in. So boring this approach. It makes artist bad. Lazy. Artist should have no friends maybe. No support from art world. The best artist come from leftfield. I think. Anyways.
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